Cyber Fraud Strategy

Cyber Fraud Risks are real and growing.

According to IBM, the global average cost of a data breach in 2023 was USD 4.45 million, a 15% increase over 3 years. Last year, fintech businesses in Nigeria suffered significant losses due to hacking incidents resulting in the loss of over N5 billion by just 3 fintech companies alone.

The threat is real, and it’s evolving faster than ever. Traditional security methods like firewalls and antivirus simply can’t keep pace with the sophisticated tactics employed by today’s hackers. In the age of cloud computing, mobile devices, and interconnected devices, the attack surface is wider than ever, leaving businesses vulnerable to a range of cyber fraud threats.

Social engineering, malware, phishing attacks – these are just a few of the weapons in the hacker's arsenal.

How we approach cyber threats.

It doesn’t have to be this way. At 3Cs Aquarah, we understand the gravity of cyber threats and the critical need for proactive protection. That’s why we developed our Cyber Fraud Kill Chain – a unique, data-driven approach that goes beyond basic detection to truly understand and counter the methods hackers employ.

Our Kill Chain analyzes the entire “attack journey,” identifying:

  • The adversary: Who are they targeting, and what are their motivations?

  • The environment: Cloud, mobile, on-premise – where are the vulnerabilities?

  • The specific TTPs (Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures): How are they trying to gain access and execute the fraud?

By understanding these elements, we can implement a multi-layered defense strategy that:


We deploy advanced technology and robust processes to block known threats and suspicious activities.


We leverage AI-powered analytics and continuous monitoring to identify even the most sophisticated attacks in real-time.


We have a well-defined incident response plan to minimize damage and quickly restore normal operations.

Benefits of an extensive Cyber Fraud Strategy

In today’s digital landscape, safeguarding your business against cyber fraud is not just about protecting assets—it’s about securing your future. The benefits of implementing a robust Cyber Fraud Security Solution extend far beyond the immediate defense against attacks.

They encompass a broad spectrum of advantages that together, not only shield your organization but also foster an environment of trust, compliance, and operational resilience. As we delve into the specific benefits, it’s crucial to understand that each element of our solution is designed to contribute to a secure, compliant, and trustworthy business ecosystem, ensuring your operations are both protected and poised for growth.

  • Enhanced Security Posture: Strengthen your defenses against the most sophisticated cyber fraud techniques, keeping your business one step ahead of cybercriminals.

  • Financial Risk Mitigation: Our solution significantly reduces the likelihood of financial losses due to fraud, protecting your bottom line.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensure compliance with the latest data protection and privacy regulations, avoiding costly fines and penalties.

  • Customer Trust and Loyalty: By demonstrating a commitment to cybersecurity, foster a sense of trust and loyalty among your customers, crucial for long-term business success.

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